
playground portraits

Jaden is another baby we’ve had the pleasure of working with three times now, and just cannot believe how quickly he is growing! Three months ago, he could barely sit up, and now he’s crawling all over the place and even trying to stand on his own. As always, Jaden just loved the camera, and was as happy as can be throughout the whole shoot. This session took place at an elementary school playground in PA. It was probably the coolest playground we’ve ever seen… even the adults had fun playing on the swing sets. Haha!

Jaden’s parents, Andrea and Jeff, had one special request for us. They wanted us to try to replicate a photo of Jeff at age 2 in a Ford Mustang pedal car. The pedal car has been restored since then (and we opted not to give Jaden a screwdriver for this shoot for safety reasons =) but it is the exact car that Jeff was riding in. It would be fun to try this again when Jaden is closer to Jeff’s age in the pic. Now, if we could only find a replica of that awesome Pierre Cardin sweatshirt that Jeff is wearing…

