introducing tyler matthew lavigne

If you’re an avid reader of our blog or even if you’ve just seen Anne at one of our recent weddings, you’re aware that we were expecting our first child. His due date was October 10, 2010 and on that fateful day, we sat around and waited for him to arrive. Needless to say, he didn’t show up. We visited the doctor on Monday, October 11, and began to make a plan for Anne to be induced on October 15. Tyler had other plans. On Monday, at approximately 1:00 in the morning, Anne woke me up and said, “I think it’s happening.”

We arrived at the hospital at 2:00am, got checked in and situated, and then got some rest. We knew the following day was going to be a long one. October 12 started with doctor visits. Everyone wanted to make sure that Anne and the baby were dong fine. Finally, at 3:00pm, it was time to push. We had an amazing nurse named Alice (she’s also a pretty good photographer, and she didn’t even know it). Over the course of the next 3 hours, Anne pushed… and I was in awe. I helped, gave encouragement, but mostly, I was in awe. Anne was so strong, so calm. She displayed a toughness that I’ve always known was there, but rarely get to see.

At 5:58 pm, on October 12, 2010, Tyler Matthew Lavigne made his appearance and took his first breath. He was 6 pounds, 7.2 ounces and 21 inches tall. It was an amazing event, perhaps the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I tried my best to take some shots, but it was quite difficult through the tears of joy. Welcome to the world Tyler. We love you.