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On Tuesday, we found ourselves in Ocean City, NJ with Sheri and Joe for their…

sheri & joeocean city nj engagement session
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There are hundreds of adages that revolve around the act of marriage, yet they’ve been…

christine & jahnshort hills hilton wedding
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The last time we photographed Jackson, he was brand new to the world at only…

jacksonvan vleck house and gardens nj
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You may remember Stephanie and Matt from their engagement session at Pier Village in Long…

stephanie & mattoyster point wedding
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This weekend, we met up with Amelia and John for their engagement session at the…

amelia & johnsnug harbor botanical garden engagement
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This morning, we had the pleasure of meeting Tara and her kids, 8-year-old Jake and…

jake & sloanevan vleck house and gardens nj
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On Friday, we found ourselves at Normandy Farm in Blue Bell, PA. We’ve never shot…

melinda & chrisnormandy farm wedding
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Crystina & Jeff’s wedding has been a long time coming. The night before their wedding…

crystina & jeffreyperona farms wedding
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We’ve been waiting for this for months… our first family session the SPRING, after what…

jaden & jensenlock ridge park family session
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Yesterday, we spent the afternoon with Kelly and Dave in Hoboken, New Jersey. Kelly and…

kelly & davehoboken nj engagement session
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On Sunday, we met Jessica, Jerry, and their handsome 1-month old son Cullen at their…

cullen1 month portraits
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We like to plan our photo shoot locations at least a few weeks ahead of…

jaden & jensenbear creek mountain pa